Wednesday, December 6, 2006


After long time with no time to surf the net, a couple of weeks may be :-?, my work box has a connection again. So the first time that must done here is get the new Gaim 2.0 to installed into my hard drive. Just find a case and the first test bed is chat with my friends. Unfortunately only Mr. Ikhlasulamal that appears online so so early in the morning. Just this the screenshoot.


Rasanya lahir kembali ke dunia dengan segala kepahitan dan kepalsuan ini memang tak ada yang mengalahkannya! Angkat botol dan mari kita bersulang :)), compile kernel dan load modul gwan-ho di tanganmu, sebatang black cappucino di sela hitam bibirmu, serta anyir asamnya bau baju dalammu yang keringatan.

I'm back and I'm re::born